December 16
Let it snow, let it snow, but gee, haven't we gotten a bit carried away??

10 inches seems a goodly amount of snow.  And it was, last Thursday, our first big New England snowstorm.  Schools were let out early, Donn's office closed at 1:00 p.m., and he even backed out of a planned business trip.  Luckily we were all home relatively untroubled by the silly soft stuff coming down, and not trapped in the gridlock of downtown Boston.  We were even more impressed upon waking up the next morning and finding all of Newton's streets completely cleared of all 10 inches.  Owen's school opened right on time and we had no problems getting around.

Forward to today, Sunday.  We woke up to another good 6 inches of snow (this time mixed with a little sleet just for fun), and then plain old rain to top it off.  It is really the most snow we've ever seen off of a mountain in Colorado.  The dogs even got lost in it (although that didn't prevent Murray from trying to run off and chase a squirrel).  Donn was running out of room when trying to shovel it off the driveway, when Owen and I flagged down a passing Jeep with a shovel on the front.  We paid him an outragious sum but it kept Daddy from crying and needing a Soma.

The neighbors have assured us that this is as bad as it gets.  That Mexican vacation is sounding better all the time.