October 3
In which it's so hard to find good photographers in a new city.

Cherish the pictures at left.  For the past two months His Majesty has forbidden any photography of the Royal Person.  These snaps were taken only after careful and arduous negotiation.

It must be something in the New England air.  Owen has definitely taken on the east coast attitude.  Driving the other day, he ordered me to put the windows up.

"The wind is blowing my beautiful hair," he insisted.

And we couldn't have that.

Another day we walked down to the park to watch the older kids play soccer.

"I want to go on the field," Owen said.  "I want to take the ball.  I want to push those boys down and give them bloody noses."

Hmmm.  Sounds like someone's ready for rush hour driving on the turnpike...  I told him that was a very unkind thing to say.  But, as someone who must regularly drive on the turnpike, I kind of understood the sentiment.

Still, violent tendencies aside, the family seems to be settling in nicely.  We had our first dinner party and were told, "it looks like you've lived here for years... in a GOOD way!" 

It was thrilling and more difficult than you'd think to have guests over.  We'd invited our neighbors several times to dinner and been unnerved by their polite but firm decline.  It wasn't until their children enlightened us that we realized they were Jewish and we were inviting them to our house on Rosh Hashanah.

We were mortified.  Hopefully they will schedule the block party on Easter so that we can redeem ourselves.

Despite the social ineptness of his parents, Owen has adapted well to his new school.  Every day they do a new project which he proudly shows off at home.  He's cutting, gluing and painting like a madman.

Robin has completely unpacked the house and decorated and cooks dinner every night.  It's been a blessing to have her home-- one forgets how difficult it is to exist when you don't know where the Target is! 

Thank God for the Internet and GPS.  I don't know how the pioneers survived without them.

We're only just beginning to explore our world.  We took the "T" into Boston one night to eat Italian food in the famous North End.  Another weekend we drove in to visit the aquarium.  (You can kind of see it in the first photo.)

The aquarium cost us $50 for one hour.  A week later we learned that residents can get discount tickets at the library.

Being the new kid in town stinks.