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July 28
In which, 130 degrees later, the Strelos meet Son of Cyclops.

Very little could compel me to pack up and drive two hours to spend 90 minutes in a shopping mall.  But for the Strelos, I'd even drive two hours and 15 minutes!

It took awhile, but we finally managed to hook up with Matt, Audrea, Jack and Ben; our roommates from Kazakhstan.  Our two families picked Columbia, the midpoint between us, for the reunion and Matt, ever the wise counsel, suggested that we bag the picnic plans in favor of the mall.  Given that the asphalt was melting in the 100+ degree heat, we thought that sounded like a great idea!

It was a fun afternoon with romps in the play area, rides on the carousel and snacks from McDonald's.  We'd missed the Strelos and enjoyed seeing how well everyone has settled in.  Jack's a walking fool and Ben still has his awesome laugh.  Audrea's scored a new job in the time since last we spoke while Matt is still the King of NASCAR.

Owen wasn't quite sure what to make of the group-- the Strelos had returned Stateside prior to Owen joining us in the Kokshetau cottage-- but in the end he had a good time.  You can see him sleeping off the excitement on the car ride home at left.  (We snapped this picture before we even got on to the highway!)

You'll notice that Dad chose to be a photographer rather than a photographee for most of the visit.  This is because he had some funky eye thing going on.  (You were wondering about the Cyclops reference.)  After the third attempt to put me in the carnival as Bobo, Master of the Evil Eye, I opted against having many pictures taken.

At home, Owen continues to enjoy Mom's part-time status.  They decided his room was incomplete without a little lounger.  You can see the Master on his throne at left.  He's getting ever wiser in the manipulation of things electronic.  He's learned, for example, that the third push of his doggie's nose plays "Itsy Bitsy Spider."  He also knows that Mom will usually accompany the playing of said tune with the requisite and traditional pantomiming of Spider's waterspout adventure.

Owen has pushed puppy's nose and looked expectantly at Dad.  Dad may have obliged once, but he isn't making a habit of it.

When they're not arranging the furniture or checking in on Itsy Bitsy, Mom and Owen will occasionally squeeze lunch with friends into their busy schedules.  This week they were lucky enough to score time with Mom's good friend from The Star, Janelle Hopkins.  You can see them enjoying their meal at left.

You'll notice that Owen has become quite the restaurateur of late.  We've even had him out for Mexican food several times.  He's proving to be a very visual food critic.  Successful dishes are smeared into his hair.  The less savory items are categorically spit upon the ground. 

In other Owen news, our boy grows perilously closer to walking.  If you'll hold his hands, he'll trudge you mercilessly up and down the sidewalk.  On his own, he'll take about three steps before calling it quits.

Between jogs around the block, the O-Boy likes to work on his cars.  For some reason, he insists on flipping all of his vehicles over and working on the tires.

I suspect he's practicing to be in a pit crew.

Eat your NASCAR-lovin' heart out, Matt Strelo.
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Costco finally found my canoeing pictures.  Click here to see the boys, the gang, and newlyweds Dina and Brian Kolda who aren't tied to traditional husband / wife roles...